

    Lucknow is the capital city of the state of Uttar Pradesh. This city is the administrative headquarter of Lucknow District and Division. Lucknow has always been known as a multicultural city, and flourished as a cultural and artistic capital of North India in the 18th and 19th centuries. District & Sessions Court, Lucknow comes under the administrative control of the Hon’ble High Court of Judicature At Allahabad. Court is located on the banks of Gomti river, which carries the heritage of Lucknow. There are three blocks of civil court premises; north block, south block and multistoried building. There are two outlying courts namely civil judge (senior division) Mohanlalganj and civil judge (senior division) Malihabad. These courts are situated in the Civil Court Campus.The Judgeship has Central Bar Association which is also located at the Civil Court premises.

    CHIEF COURT OF OUDH:- The system of Judicial administration was found inadequate and antiquated. So, in order to meet the public demand, an Act, U. P. Act IV of 1925 (Oudh Courts Act) was passed in 1925 by the U. P. Legislature with the previous sanction of the Governor-General as required by sub-section (3) of Section 80-A of the Government of India Act, 1919 “to amend and consolidate the law relating to courts in Oudh”. It abolished the earlier Oudh Courts Act, and established a Chief Court for Oudh, with 5 Judges: one Chief Judge and 4 puisne Judges. Out of 5 Judges two were members of Indian Civil Service, one a member of the Provincial Judicial Service and two were from the Bar: The Chief Court had original Civil Jurisdiction for trial of suits having valuation of 5 lakhs and over under Section 7 of the said Act. This was subsequently repealed by Act IX of 1939. There was another change in the Act by modification of Section 4 of the said Act by the Government of India (Adaptation of Indian Laws) Order, 1937, where under it was provided that “Chief Court shall consist of a Chief Judge and such other Judges as may be appointed under the Government of India Act, 1935′” Under this provision a sixth Judge was appointed in 1945 from the Bar, who functioned up to amalgamation’ of the Chief Court with the Allahabad High Court, by the United Provinces High Court (Amalgamation) Order, 1948, made by the Governor-General under Section 229 of the Government of India Act, 1935, after presentation of an address by both chambers of U. P. Legislature to the Governor of U. P. which was submitted to the Governor-General. After amalgamation, the two separate courts became one Court, by the name of “the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad”. It was provided by a proviso to para 14 of the Amalgamation Order that “such Judges of the new High Court, not less than 2 in number, as the Chief Justice may, from time to time, nominate, shall sit in Lucknow to dispose of cases arising in Oudh”. At present there are seven Judges of the High ‘Court stationed in Lucknow, with a Senior Judge to deal with administrative matters of the Lucknow Bench. The other Judges, including the Chief Justice, come to Lucknow for short periods from time to time and such permanent Judges of the Lucknow Bench go to Allahabad as and when nominated by the Chief Justice. Before amalgamation, the Chief Judge of the Chief Court was paid a salary of Rs. 4, 000, while puisne Judges, Rs. 3,500 each, per mensem.

    Lucknow Judgeship is the largest judgeship in the state of Uttar Pradesh, where total number of courts sanctioned by the State Government is 136. Two Commercial Court are also functional at the Old High Court Building Premises.

    Family Court, Lucknow is separately functioning at American Library and Roushanuddaulah consisting 1 Court of Principal Judge and 8 Courts of Addl. Principal Judge.

    Railway Magistrate Courts (N.R. and N.E.R.) are functioning at Railway station Charbagh, Lucknow. There is also a separate court for Juvenile Justice at Mohan Road, Lucknow.

    The work of Computerization is completed in the Civil Court campus where all the courts are working on computer. The centralized filling has also commenced on 01/04/2014, since then all the fresh filling of cases are done from server room/JSC room. Currently we are working on (C.I.S. 3.2) provided by the Hon’ble E-Committee, Hon’ble Supreme Court of India under the E-Court Project.

    On 04.10.2018, 25 Courts of the Old High Court Lucknow Bench, building was handed over by the Hon’ble High Court of Judicature at Allahabad to District Judgeship Lucknow. The District & Sessions Judge Court along with 24 A.D.J. Courts/Spl. Courts of A.D.J. level are functioning in the Old High Court building Campus. Chief Administrative Office, Central Nazarat, Accounts Sections, Computer Center, Record Rooms, Central Copying, D.L.S.A. Lucknow and Commercial Court, Lucknow are also functioning in the old High Court Campus, Lucknow.